তারুণ্যের কবি তাহসিন তারান্নুম এর ইংরাজি কবিতা “A day in a life of Time flower”

তারুণ্যের কবি তাহসিন তারান্নুম

A day in a life of Time flower

                   —–Tahsin Tarannum

A Day in a Life of Time Flower
My forever is a day.
Phoebus is my companion.
Start blooming at the break of dawn
I spread my numerous wings wider as the Sun burns high in the sky.
Slowly than I shrink in into my bud as the lights dim out
That is my whole life.
I rose to glory and shrink into a memory.
The only trail i left back is a burnt out bud.
This story of glory will be told again tomorrow not by me

but by some other brighter time flower.


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